
A lack of sufficient knowledge and expertise is highlighted as a key barrier in all the major climate changes the top managers at Skift have worked on.

The Skift-note on competence addresses this competence gap from a systemic perspective and points to what various actors in society can do to ensure that Norwegian business and industry quickly acquires the competence we need to succeed in the transition to a sustainable society.

The working group proposes five general measures and points to concrete examples of how various actors can contribute to reducing the competence gap.

Five measures to help reduce the competence gap:


Trond Markussen

President, NITO

Leif Arne Jensen

CEO, PwC Norge

Geir Holmgren

CEO, Gjensidige

Siri Fjellheim

Rector, Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

Svein Stølen

Rector, Universitet i Oslo

Bernt Reitan Jenssen

CEO, Ruter

Lead in Transport and mobility network