Circular economy

On a resource-scarce planet with stressed ecosystems, the world's value chains must become circular.

A shift to a more circular economy and value creation based on circular business models must overcome three main barriers. Increased knowledge is needed about how circularity can be put into practice, and a more general increase in competence for companies, the public sector, and private individuals. At the same time, incentives and fees that make repair and the use of recycled raw materials profitable must be in place. To achieve this, far greater visibility and anchoring of the circular economy in the political debate is first and foremost needed.

Skift works for this, at the same time we implement circular measures in our own companies on our own initiative.

In order to make the circular changeover as seamless and efficient as possible, selected representatives from Skift's circular group have requested a meeting with the Minister of Trade and Industry, Jan Christian Vestre, to present their proposals.

Read the note that highlights the current barriers and lack of incentives for the circular transition here. (April 2023, the note is in Norwegian)

You will find concrete examples of obstacles to the circular transition here. (April 2023, the note is in Norwegian)

The circular group has previously prepared a white paper, which has also been sent to the Norwegian government. Led by Nina Riibe and Econa, the working group has identified five legal barriers that can be changed or removed to create a more circular economy.

Read the note to the Minister of Climate and Environment and Minister of Trade and Industry on laws that hinder a circular economy here. (December 2022, the note is in Norwegian)

You can also find the first Skift-note on circular economy here. (2020, the note is in Norwegian)


Nina Riibe

CEO, Econa

Leader in the Circular Economy network

Karoline Andaur

Secretary General, WWF Verdens naturfond

Bjørn Arild Thon

CEO, Renas

Ole-Petter Thunes

CEO, Rambøll

Espen Karlsen

CEO, Jernia

Turid Grotmoll

CEO, Fremtind Forsikring

Hilde Vatne

CEO, JM Norge

Frank Jaegtnes

CEO, Elektroforeningen

Geir Holmgren

CEO, Gjensidige

Britt Nilsen

Head of Sustainability, Schibsted

Christian Lodgaard

Senior Vice President, Flokk

Kjetil E. Lein

Visepresident, NITO